Farewell My Dearest One...
Published by Furede Riko under daily, English Diary on 1/29/2013 08:51:00 AM
*EDIT January 30th, 2013: Finally discovered her real birthday... gonna post the photo for that later
I woke up this morning at 04.00 AM by a weird voice from my Cavy...
She's suffering a great pain, and is shaking (still is until now), and it seemed like she's feeling cold. Today, I could obviously see the pain that she tried to endure in her eyes, they're not as bright as even yesterday. She's definitely crying, especially when we tried to pet her.
We're going to take her back to the Vet later on 09.00AM... I hope she still had a chance to continue another day, she's definitely trying very hard to be healthy but in the end, all lifes are in God's hand... T_T. Perhaps I've been too evil enough for Him to hear my continuous prayer though... sometime I wonder if He ever listen to me at all. Wish He actually would this time, cause Bhu-bhu is no ordinary pet, she's one of our family, more than that... she's probably the one and only true/best friend I had left today.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to hold up these water that is strangely starting to flow from my eyes... ;(
Well, perhaps I spoke a bit too soon about how the Vet was a savior (on my Friday's post)... the correct word would be 'Available In Time?', hmmm... don't know what the suitable word though. But yeah, my Cavy's not cured yet, but if we hadn't took her to the Vet that day, she would've been gone for good the same day.
Basically my Cavy's condition went worst yesterday and she's still struggling and shaking up until now. Friday night, she was already eating as usual, but yesterday she couldn't eat anything at all, that we even had to feed him with blended food. My guess is, the medicine was starting to work, and that had a downside effect making her body weak and shaky. It's definitely very painful to see, because she used to be so lively and cheerful. Now, she's very skinny and fragile, and her body felt cold as well.
Despite that though, she's still responsive, and always turned to gaze us whenever we called her. She's still trying with the small strength she had left to eat something, though simply couldn't eat more than a small bite. I think she still has the will and passion to live, it's obvious she's still struggling her best to do so... and that's already a good thing.
I'm praying every minute to see her back in good condition, hopefully soon. I hope by the time the medicine is out, she'll recover and back to her big appetite again. Really can't wait to see her back in full prime *sniff sniff* T_T
Now I need to get a proper rest myself, I've had pesky flu with cough since early January that wouldn't wore off, and now since last Wednesday I've had stiff neck and annoying headache to made it worst. With my pet in bad condition, now I couldn't even sleep tight, and kept waking up every 2 hours. Suffice to say, I'm not getting any better myself *sigh*
Well... Hope the best, expect the worst...
Thanks for reading, peace for y'all...
*EDIT* Here's her most recent photo, taken on Monday (January 21st) when my family returned from Malaysia. She was still in full health, and was very excited to see everyone again.
FINALLY I was able to upload this one (of course after resizing and cropping as best as I can) *sigh*
We found our beloved cavy (Guinea Pig) Bhu-bhu was very ill this morning. She's not greeting anyone who woke up at dawn while she usually was very loud and active to see any member of our family everyday. After that she didn't eat any of the food she was feeded, and she looked very weak as well.
It's the second Sunday of 2013, yet it's not bright and hopeful as the previous one... instead, it's a cold and gloomy Sunday. If this is any indication of what the year will turn out, then it's not a good sign...
Well, one should never relate a single Sunday to a whole year anyway... but for me, this bad weather is indeed a bad sign. I've been down with cold and heavy flu since Thursday, and was kinda hoping I'd get better if I rest for a while to avoid further illness on Monday. However, I've already caught my daily insomnia (I woke up at 2 AM today), and the chill from the weather is definitely not doing any good to my body.
Day 13 of January... I'm down with a simple flu. Nice... very nice...
Here's hoping this is not a premonition of what the year will turn out for me...
Thanks for reading, peace for y'all... *sigh*