Because Jesus Cares For You....
Published by Furede Riko under daily, Renungan on 3/27/2009 05:34:00 AMDapet sebuah email dari sahabat, dan aku mau berbagi dengan semua:
and You question God... - why me?
Always look at the bigger picture
A day without the Lord - is a day wasted
God has seen you struggling, God say it's over. A blessing is coming your way!
God is going to shift things around for you today and let things work in your favor.
If you believe, send this to ten people.
Gambarnya susah diload karena ukuran gede. Coba diklik supaya jelas keliatan isinya yah.... mudah2an bisa... T.T
Semoga jadi berkat buat kita semua! GBU Always
Peace yo (^^)v